Avernus Online
Our online Extended Project Qualification Masterclass and Mentorship is for students wanting to enhance their academic portfolio, work critically towards degree level study, and secure a qualification worth up to 28 UCAS points (half an A-level). Our comprehensive annual package includes expert delivery, fortnightly supervisor check-ins, 26 hours of one-on-one support, and exam submission fees. It is perfect for students who prefer to work on their own schedule, fully online, whilst accessing our comprehensive EPQ mentorship course. Students receive full support from our project experts throughout their EPQ journey.
Get your EPQ online
Flexible EPQ support and guidance
At Avernus Education we have carefully crafted a fully online programme of EPQ preparation, support and academic enhancement to allow students to undertake and complete the EPQ on their own terms. This is perfect for students whose schools do not offer the Extended Project Qualification, or for students who might have started an EPQ elsewhere and simply want a higher level of personalised input to support their EPQ studies, maximising the chances of success and a high mark.

Masterclass Package
Full cycle online mentorship & exam qualification
The Avernus Education Online EPQ is designed to provide students with a comprehensive and well-rounded educational experience. Our course includes a range of academic components and masterclass sessions that are designed to help students develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed.
​Our annual package includes pre-recorded content, group sessions, fortnightly check-ins, one-on-one support, and exam/project submission costs. We will provide personalised guidance regarding the optimum start date for each student depending on their field of interest, title choice, and research needs. There is a rolling start date for our full cycle mentorship and masterclass provision. Our EPQ experts will work with every student to formulate an individualised timetable, linked to the EPQ Production Log, in order to get the most out of the qualification. ​
Online Support Package
Personalised guidance and feedback
Our EPQ support service is designed to provide an extra layer of support for students who are already completing their EPQ project at school, or with another educational organisation. Students receive personalised guidance and feedback from our experienced tutors to help you achieve your best. Alongside our dedicated team of EPQ moderators and examiners, each programme is taught by a subject-specific Oxbridge Advisors (supervisors) with unrivalled research expertise and subject knowledge. Our team will draw up the most effective and individualised timetable to fit EPQ online support around your existing studies.

Online EPQ Masterclass
Full cycle support
Rolling start date
Study at your own pace
Full support throughout
Includes exam submission
Online EPQ Support
Per 10 hour block
Personalised guidance
Start anytime
Flexible scheduling
Minimum 10 hours
Secure Your Place Now on EPQ Online